Everyone can make their own choices but this post really made me pissed off. I'm not one to post like this BUT I've struggled with having PCOS for some time and the ONLY thing that has helped to managed my symptoms was seeing a top notch fertility doctor and being put on a low dose birth control pill. Diet and exercise could only help me so much with my condition (a hard thing for a dietitian to admit) and when my confidence level had hit an all time low this "poison" was the only thing that helped me to feel better. I was also informed by my fertility doctor that had I not done this my chances of getting ovarian cancer later in life would have sky rocketed. So before you talk badly about something that you choose not to take think about the many people that this little pill has really helped. I continue to pursue holistic approaches while eating well and exercising but unfortunately sometimes those routes don't work best for everyone. Ucenter Dress high low style items to wear for the wedding occasion
Ucenter Dress high low style items to wear for the wedding occasion