I have quite a difficulty with the whole attitude towards those who have mentall challenges. The diagnoses develop over time and are based only on the symptoms on chooses to disclose which are not always medicinally necessary fo recovery. Case in point. Depression can be situational or chemical. Dopamine or sugar, while a leading cause of diabetes, can stimulate the brain away from depression, and too low a level can cause hypoglycemia. Don't tax something that is not fatal, if used in moderation. Schizo/bipolar disorder presents itself usually through auditory hallucinations, but since God has spoken to prophets in the past, and continues to do so today, whether or not one chooses to listen, how does anyone else make the determinatin whether the individual is hearing the voice of God, or even his/her conscience, which must be properly formed according to the Divine Law? And long term use of any of these pscychotropic medications limit one's physical abilities, so should be used as a last resort, not the first,. Also, most of these were prescribed in order to break addictions to illegal substances that society today wants to just legalize, such as marijuana, which was always knwon to cause paranoia and other irrational behavior. And all so that the government can tax the revenue off of the purchase and sales of damaging substances. And these are used to mask the underlying denial that many have and stll are violating the moral code called the Ten Commandments. Ucenter Dress items to wear for the reception usage
Ucenter Dress items to wear for the reception usage