describes a group of conditions in which there is a lowet-than-normal count of red blood cells (so less of the oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin) in the blood.
anemia is classified by the size and appearance of the red blood cells. the common types of anemia are hemolytic, macrocytic and microcytic, and they share similar symptoms, including fatigue and weakness. aline styled items to wear of the wedding
people suffering from illnesses such as angina may find they are more likely to have sattacks if they are also anemic.
a good supply of oxygen in the blood is essential to good health.
1. NOT ENOUGH RED blood cells being made.
2. red blood cells being lost from the body at an abnormal rate by slow, chronic bleeding, as with heavy menstrual periods or gastrointestinal bleeding.
3. red blood cells being destroyed faster than they can be produced.
investigating anemia:
several rountine investigations are used to diagnose anemia:
complete blood count (CBC), which gives numbers of all the cell types.
a blood smear, which examines the red blood cells' color and shape.
a test to check for low levels of vitamin b12 and folic acid.
a test to estimate the body's stores of iron.
a reticulocyte count to measure how many young cells the bone marrow is producing.
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