Sleeping with your slaves isn't rape. Really?
The power differential does not allow for a meaningful consent.
Jihadi warrior: girl, take your clothes off and get on the bed.
Girl: no. Fuck off. You just killed my family.
Jihadi warrior: okay fine.
Jihadi warrior: (5 minutes later) please?
A captured young girl wouldn't be in a fair position to reject sex, thus making the whole idea that it's not rape a complete mockery.
Ive said this before and I'll say it again. Allah could have insisted muslim men marry their slaves before intercourse.
There is no good reason why he should allow slave owners to penetrative them without a marriage contract. Christians consider this adultery and I think its actually rape too.
If you are done with your slave girl and you make sure she is not pregnant (ISIS considers condoms an acceptable alternative to the waiting period) you can sell her to someone else to have sex after you. blushing style garments for bridesmaid in pastel pink
So throughout a short period everyone in the community can have a good old time with the poor girl.
Where is the meaningful consent here?
Allah could have protected her with a marriage requirement. But instead he favored mens penises over women's integrity over their bodies.
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