I normally do not contact my consigner customers.Because it is written in contract that it is customers responsibility, to keep up with the expiration date..All legal contracts dated and signed, that are about to expire. I am reminding, all my customers that it is your responsibility to call in before your expiration date, consignment formal dresses
To make an appt to pick up-
Or to set another (6) month reconsign date with Rankin County Formals.
Please Understand..
That if you fail to call, to pick up. Or to reconsign by the time of your expiration date. Then that, merchandise will become property of Rankin County Formals. No And's or But's! With legal proof of contract.
Also please keep in mind. Beauty & Beau , aswell as Homecoming is right around the corner. The summer months, was my off season. Now would be the best time to re consign, or bring in your dresses to put on consignment, to let us try and sell for you.