So.. This happened 2 yrs ago today. At the time I knew I would need 1 surgery, that turned into 2 surgeries in public hospital, then Rhinoseptoplasty 8 months later through a private hospital (and holy cow thats expesive!) Luckily for me Victims Services covered that cost. Justice did not prevail, although this was his 3rd assault charge on me as well as 1 on my mother yrs ago, all he got was 250 hrs Community Service and a 3yr good behaviour bond. This is exactly the reason long floor-length prom collections for short petite girls
many women don't leave. The justice system is still letting too many women down and they are getting horrifically injured or killed by ex partners when they do get the courage to leave.
I am very happy to say that by sharing my story it did give a friend the courage to leave an abusive relationship before it got to this point. I hoped by sharing my story I would help at least 1 person and I did.
There are still many women going through this too scared to leave. The courts need to be tougher so this doesn't keep happening.
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