Soy is just one of the estrogen mimickers in our food and water today. Estrogen mimickers will mimic(act like) the natural estrogen our bodies produce. When that happens our body reacts by altering our own hormone production. Fake estrogen is what makes men grow breasts, women have fat build up in their stomachs and thighs, our thyroids get out of whack, along with the rest of our adrenal glands, and many other issues. This fake estrogen creates a whole system malfunction whi ... ch shows in the form of disease, which most people will then take medicine that only covers the symptoms. And meanwhile, the body is suffering more damage from the medicine. Estrogen mimickers should be avoided for your body to perform how it's meant to. Factory farmed animals are fed soy as their main protein source-that soy goes right on down to us when we eat that factory farmed meat raised on soy, fed antibiotics, gmo's and hormones. Those change our body when we eat them. Most processed foods contain soy and estrogen. Stick to as natural as you can, buy the least processed foods, start small-grow your own foods in containers, take up fishing-the healthy omega fats in fish is what your body creates new health with, go hunting-those deer eat wild food for the most part. We are getting sicker as a nation, by the day. We need to start eating the way our grandparents did- before all this fake processed food came into our existence. Our bodies aren't meant to eat food with an ingredient list a mile long, grown in soil depleted of nutrients, pumped full of chemicals that are known to cause cancer/ADhD/man boobs/etc. Research shows how different species, such as fish, have changed gender from being exposed to chemicals that mimic estrogen. This is happening in our environment right now-do you think these aren't having a huge effect on our bodies? Baby steps, make improvements where you can. The first step is to become aware, the info is readily available. A good resource to help investigate your health issues is wedding collections With Lace Appliques at discounted price You can search their database of natural cures to find tons of REAL solutions to CURE rather than just mask symptoms while your body still fights the original cause that made it sick to begin with. Earthclinic is also a forum where people ask questions and informed people answer with their experiences and what they've found that helped. We all need to focus on better health.... with this much decline in health in the recent decades, imagine of we don't do something to stop this soon.
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Soy protein found to deplete testosterone in men
Soy protein found to deplete testosterone in